Odd Commercial: At&T Mean Wife — Terrible, but Genius

I know you’ve seen this commercial — and, it’s save to assume that you hate it. Specifically, the startlingly mean wife of the ostensibly pleasant -albeit a bit goofy- husband who appears excited for attempting to start a conversation via a mundane starting point.

Am I assuming too much? Yes, but that’s the beauty of the commercial.

The commercial popped up on reddit as a topic of conversation where a trend emerged. Not only does everyone hate this commercial, but viewers are so perplexed by 1) why is this lady so mean? 2) they can afford a greenhouse, but not an extra $50 on a cell phone bill? 3) what the hell does this glimpse into the average marriage have to do with cell phones? 4) who the hell is John Clark?

Whether by accident, or with purpose, they’ve delivered an odd commercial that inspires questions and most importantly — sticks out in your head.

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